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This page explains the coding style and general contributing guidelines for the dev team.


There are a couple of rules that you should follow:

  1. Use logging module instead of print() function
  2. Try not to leave commended out code
  3. If certain functionality is needed in multiple places - please crate a separate module or a class for it and import it in your code.
  4. Use notebooks only for quick experimentation, they should not be the source of our production code.
  5. Set a guide in your IDE to 120 characters. We use 120 instead of suggested 79 from the PEP8 Guidelines.
  6. We use mypy to guard the type annotations.
  7. We use isort, black and flake8 to maintain PEP8 compliant code.
  8. We use google style for the docstrings.
  9. Code review should be done for every PR.
  10. We do not merge directly to main branch.
  11. Always start from main branch when branching to new feature branch.
  12. We require at least one approve on each PR and all threads to be resolved before the merge.
  13. When merging we use squash before merge to have clean history