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SAHI helps overcome the problem with detecting and segmenting small objects in large images by utilizing inference on image slices and prediction merging. Because of this it is slower than running inference on full image but at the same time usually ends up having better performance, especially for smaller features.

sahi_gif Source:


The idea is simple:

  1. Generate sliced dataset of small 128x128 non-overlapping tiles from the bigger 350x350 input images
  2. Use this dataset to train new model
  3. During training resize the crops to e.g. 320x320 resolution and train on those
  4. When running inference generate overlapping tiles, inference on those tiles, and merge the predicted masks by averaging the predictions in the overlapping areas
  5. Profit?

Data prep

To create SAHI dataset of small images run:

python ./kelp/data_prep/ \
    --data_dir=data/raw/train \
    --metadata_fp=data/processed/train_val_test_dataset.parquet \
    --output_dir=data/processed/sahi \
    --image_size=128 \


To run SAHI training run:

python ./kelp/nn/training/ \
    --data_dir data/processed/sahi \
    --output_dir mlruns \
    --metadata_fp data/processed/sahi/sahi_train_val_test_dataset.parquet \
    --dataset_stats_fp data/processed/2023-12-31T20:30:39-stats-fill_value=nan-mask_using_qa=True-mask_using_water_mask=True.json \
    --cv_split $(FOLD_NUMBER) \
    --batch_size 32 \
    --num_workers 4 \
    --bands R,G,B,SWIR,NIR,QA,DEM \
    --image_size 320 \
    --resize_strategy resize \
    --interpolation nearest \
    --fill_missing_pixels_with_torch_nan True \
    --mask_using_qa True \
    --mask_using_water_mask True \
    --use_weighted_sampler True \
    --samples_per_epoch 10240 \
    --has_kelp_importance_factor 3 \
    --kelp_pixels_pct_importance_factor 0.2 \
    --qa_ok_importance_factor 0 \
    --qa_corrupted_pixels_pct_importance_factor -1 \
    --almost_all_water_importance_factor 0.5 \
    --dem_nan_pixels_pct_importance_factor 0.25 \
    --dem_zero_pixels_pct_importance_factor -1 \
    --normalization_strategy quantile \
    --architecture unet \
    --encoder tu-efficientnet_b5 \
    --pretrained True \
    --encoder_weights imagenet \
    --lr 3e-4 \
    --optimizer adamw \
    --weight_decay 1e-4 \
    --loss dice \
    --monitor_metric val/dice \
    --save_top_k 1 \
    --early_stopping_patience 50 \
    --precision 16-mixed \
    --epochs 10 \
    --swa False \
    --sahi True


To run model prediction on selected directory of images run:

python ./kelp/nn/inference/ \
    --data_dir=data/raw/splits/split_8/images \
    --dataset_stats_dir=data/processed \
    --output_dir=data/predictions/sahi-split=8 \
    --run_dir=mlruns/567580247645556359/5691fc348f874ffdb2fc6c9616e11246 \
    --decision_threshold=0.48 \
    --sahi_tile_size=128 \

Note: The crop resize strategy including image_size will be resolved at runtime using original training config.

To make a submission file:

python ./kelp/nn/inference/
    --data_dir=data/raw/test/images \
    --dataset_stats_dir=data/processed \
    --output_dir=data/submissions/sahi \
    --run_dir=mlruns/567580247645556359/5691fc348f874ffdb2fc6c9616e11246 \
    --precision=bf16-mixed \
    --decision_threshold=0.48 \
    --preview_submission \
    --preview_first_n=10 \
    --sahi_tile_size=128 \


Best model trained on 128x128 crops with 320x320 resize and nearest interpolation resulted in public LB score of: 0.6848.


  • True Color true_color_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • Color Infrared color_infrared_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • Shortwave Infrared short_wave_infrared_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • DEM dem_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • QA qa_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • NDVI NDVI_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • Ground Truth Mask mask_batch_idx=1_epoch=00_step=0320.jpg

  • Predictions @epoch=9 prediction_batch_idx=1_epoch=09_step=3200.jpg