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Making submissions

In order to create a submission file you have three options:

  1. Run to generate predictions and then to create tar file with predictions
  2. Run to generate both predictions and the submission file in one go.
  3. Run that will take the predictions from multiple models, average them and then crate submission file.

Single model

Predict and then Submit

Assuming you've already run

make submission

The same can be achieved by running python script directly:

python ./kelp/core/ \
    --predictions_dir $(PREDS_OUTPUT_DIR) \
    --output_dir data/submissions/single-model

If you don't have predictions yet, please refer to the Running inference guide to learn how to generate them.

In one go

To generate predictions and submission file please adjust the Makefile model and output paths and run:

make predict-and-submit

The same can be achieved by running python script directly:

python ./kelp/nn/inference/ \
    --data_dir data/raw/test/images \
    --dataset_stats_dir=data/processed \
    --output_dir data/submissions/single-model \
    --run_dir $(RUN_DIR) \
    --preview_submission \
    --decision_threshold 0.45 \
    --precision bf16-mixed


To generate predictions and submission file using multiple models please adjust the Makefile model and output paths and run:

make cv-predict

If you already have predictions from multiple models sitting somewhere on you drive please adjust the Makefile prediction dirs and run:

make average-predictions

The same can be achieved by running the python script directly:

python ./kelp/nn/inference/ \
    --predictions_dirs \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=0 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=1 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=2 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=3 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=4 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=5 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=6 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=7 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=8 \
        data/predictions/$(AVG_PREDS_VERSION)/fold=9 \
    --weights \
        $(FOLD_0_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_1_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_2_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_3_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_4_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_5_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_6_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_7_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_8_WEIGHT) \
        $(FOLD_9_WEIGHT) \
    --output_dir=$(AVG_PREDS_OUTPUT_DIR) \
    --decision_threshold=0.48 \
    --test_data_dir=$(PREDS_INPUT_DIR) \
    --preview_submission \

Note: The number of weights must match the number of prediction dirs. The script will raise an exception if the two lists do not match in length.